
Elaina's Birthday

My baby is two years old. I can no longer use the excuse that I have "two under two" for the disheveled mess that I sometimes feel things end up as. It's OK though-Elaina is such a good girl and she amazes us every day with everything that she is learning and trying. She's very smart and if we don't keep 2 steps ahead of her, we're 10 behind. We had a little party this weekend and she had a great time. I can't believe she's already 2. Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl. Mommy loves you.

This pic is just to show the big 2 balloon that her Aunties and G'ma Rita got for her.

Going through the streamers was big fun.

These two aren't from the party but I thought they were cute.

Her aunties got her a shopping cart with a whole bunch of food. It was a hit!

The Aunties made the cake. Wow, huh?


Tennille said...

Aww! A beautiful party for a beautiful TWO year old! Can't hardy believe it myself. Congratulations and happy birthday Elaina!

Kristi said...

Oh, I loved all of the pictures! "Disheveled mess" - how funny. :) Your posts always make me crack up. Beautiful girls, Meg!